
Longlon Lin is an Associate Professor at the College of Computer and Information Science, Southwest University, China. He received a Ph.D. from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), China, in 2022, advised by Prof. Pingpeng Yuan and Prof. Dongxiao yu. Besides, from 2018 to now, his co-supervisor is Prof. Rong-Hua Li from Beijing Institute of Technology. His work has been published in several top conferences and journals including VLDB, KDD, AAAI, CIKM, ICDCS, IEEE TSMC, and IEEE TBD.

Research Interests

(Temporal) Graph Clustering, Graph-based Machine Learning.

[招生信息] : 每年计划招2-5名硕士,分别从事传统算法(比如社区挖掘,Personalized PageRank)和GNN(主要关注可扩展性、时序性及GNN for community search). 欢迎保研或者考研的学生给我发email (longlonglin@swu.edu.cn). 同时长期招收本科生,但有如下(非强制)建议:1.高要求(以发CCF B/中科院二区为目的); 2.由我亲自指导并给出具体的研究问题和算法框架。细节和实验由你独立完成但随时随地可讨论.

Selected Publications

A full list of publications can be found at Google Scholar. Please see my research projects/code on GitHub. * indicates the corresponding author and # indicates contributed equally to the research.






Work Experience

Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou, China, July 2023 - Sep 2023, cooperate with Prof. Yu Zhang and Dr. Jin Zhao.

Beijing Institute of Technology, China, July 2024 - Sep 2024, cooperate with Prof. Rong-Hua Li.

Academic Services

(External) Conference Reviewer: VLDB 2024, KDD(2021-2022,2024,2025), WWW 2022, AAAI(2022-2024), WSDM 2022, CIKM 2020

Invited Journal Reviewer: IEEE-TKDE, IEEE-TC, IEEE-TSUSC